Monday, November 30, 2009

False Robotics Update

False Robotics had an awesome day at the FLL Vancouver Island Regional Tournament, placing 2nd in the Robotics Performance portion of the competition. They also did an amazing job in the teamwork challenge, considering there were 12 participants ranging in age from 8 to 12. Great job guys!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

FLL Robotics Tournament

Well, the weekend is here. Team False Robotics will be heading off to the regional tournament this weekend. Today we're running a mock tourney at the school, followed by a t-shirt making extravaganza. Then off on the 4pm ferry tomorrow for an awesome road trip! 12 kids and 7 adults. Going to be mayhem!

SIGCSE poster accepted!

Found out the the poster I proposed for SIGCSE '10 was accepted. Guess I'm going to Milwaukee in March. Beer and polkas and CS Ed. Woo Hoo.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Awesome visualization

This is a great Ted talk which includes one of the best visualizations I've seen in a ppt presentation: